Bloody Nostalgia


Bloody Nostalgia is an artistic reinterpretation of the classical illustration of Pocahontas, known for her symbolic significance and portrayal in popular culture. Through Bloody Nostalgia, Mckenzie-Jackson aims to unveil hidden history, urging us all to reflect upon the dark chapters of the past and work towards a more inclusive and compassionate future.


Digital Canvas

Publication Date:




© Elijah McKenzie-Jackson


This digital piece delves into the historical roots of colonialism during the Pocahontas era, shedding light on the tragic atrocities suffered by Native Americans and Indigenous people.'Bloody Nostalgia' is a reinterpretation of a classic illustration of Pocahontas, known for her symbolic significance and portrayal in popular culture. Through ‘Bloody Nostalgia,’ I aim to unveil this hidden truth, urging us all to reflect upon the dark chapters of history and work towards a more inclusive and compassionate future. In the shadows of history lies a haunting practice known as scalping—a brutal form of torture that we must confront and acknowledge. Scalping, with its roots deeply entrenched in power dynamics and cultural subjugation, caused immeasurable pain and suffering. It serves as a chilling reminder of the atrocities committed in the pursuit of dominance, leaving indelible scars on the collective memory of these resilient communities extending to neo-coloniaslim today.

Bloody Nostalgia invites viewers to confront uncomfortable truths about our shared history and reassess the narratives that have shaped our understanding of the past. The artwork encourages introspection and dialogue, fostering a more nuanced understanding of the enduring effects of colonialism on marginalized communities. I want people to react and feel provoked… that is the point." - Elijah McKenzie-JacKson

Publication in collaboration with FEMINIST, amassing over 300,000 impressions in first 24 hours of launch: th

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